Monday, September 14

And the journey begins...

Hello all! Well, this is my first blog as well as my first post and I have to admit that I'm a little nervous. I've already rewritten that first sentence about ten times. I'm hoping this gets better as I go along..

But that's besides the point. The point is to tell you what Scenic Pages is all about and what you can expect from it. So, first off, Scenic Pages is a book review blog which is all from the perspective of a 20-something-year-old who just loves to read. I'm that nerd you see reading a book while she's walking across the street about to be hit by a semi and as oblivious as can be. You can expect my opinion on all sorts of books as well as possibly articles about literature from other sources which I happen to find interesting or relevant.

Please let me know if there's a book that I just HAVE to read, or if you think I haven't covered enough of one genre, or if you just plain don't agree with my opinion. I would love to get feedback!


  1. Hi Lauren... I just finished Jonathan Safran Foer's second novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It's brilliant and a worthy follow up to Everything is Illuminated. Assuming he keeps writing and producing such quality work he's a potential Pulitzer nominee. I'm enjoying The Secret Life of Bees on my travels this week.... Cheers

  2. Well, I loved Everything is Illuminated and have heard a lot of great stuff about Extremely Loud, so maybe that'll be next on my list! Right now I'm reading Philip Roth for the first time and enjoying him so far...
