Saturday, October 3

September 11, 2001

I am currently reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer, author of the excellent novel "Everything is Illuminated" (which I highly recommend).

So far, the book is about a nine-year-old boy who lost his father on September 11. He loved his dad so much and it really is heartbreaking to read some parts. It got me thinking about that day and all of the people who were directly effected by it. At the time, I was 13 years old so I understood what had happened but I don't think it emotionally registered in me. Since then, I've come to appreciate even more the preciousness of life and the fact that it can end at any moment for any of us.

We will never forget.


  1. I love "Everything is Illuminated"...
    but I just wanted to say that you should check out - you can catalog all the books you've read, find suggestions, and chat about books with other members! =)

  2. Thanks! The site looks awesome :)
